Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Apprentice Season 2

Favorite Episode

The Apprentice Season 2 Episode 10 "Runaway Pride"

Image result for bridal shop


The task was to open a pop-up bridal shop and sell dresses for one night. The team with the highest profit on their sales would win. Teams will attempt to promote and stock the store as best they can to have the highest bridal tournament. 

Project Managers:

Apex: Chris
Mosaic: Apex

Winners and Their Reward: 

Mosaic won with 12 times the profit of Apex. Mosaic successfully promoted their business, sold 27 dresses in the given time of 4 hours, and netted a total profit of about $12,788. 
For their reward, the team was collectively given $50,000 to spend at Graft Jewelers in NYC. At the jewelry store, they were greeted by Melania as they searched for their jewelry.

Taken to the Boardroom:

Because Apex was the loser of this task (only selling 2 dresses and making a profit of about $1,060) three members were sent to the boardroom. Those three members were Ivana, Chris, and Kevin.

Sent Home:

Trump sent home Chris because he was an unsuccessful leader on the task. As told by his other team members, Chris had given up on the task early on and was responsible for their teams defeat.

Reason for Picking this Episode:

I picked this episode as my favorite of the Apprentice Season 2 because I think the idea of having a team open a bridal shop was creative, and if I were on the Apprentice that would be a task I would love to complete. Also, I enjoyed watching because it was exciting to see how the advantage of Sandy being a bridal shop owner played out during the task.

Episode Lesson:

In the episode, Trump discussed the quote "Believe in Yourself." I think this is a very positive message and it encourages people to not get discouraged when they don't think they're doing something well. This is especially important in the fast-paced and high-stakes business world. If you don't believe in yourself you will never be able to succeed.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Amazon Sends Drone to the UK

Amazon Prime Air Private Trial Flying HIGH RES

Amazon had made a huge leap forward in delivering its first package to the United Kingdom. Amazon is starting new trials in England and using the data they collect as well as feedback from customers to improve their drone delivery service. (This is primary data collection using aspects from the Experimental Method and Survey Method).

Amazon's new drones can deliver any products in a short period of time; the trial in England clocked in at less than "13 minutes from click to delivery." They are continuing to test and improve on their products and believe that for them, the "sky's the limit"

Link to the original article here: Amazon Is Starting to Use Drones to Deliver Parcels to People in the UK

Commercials Then and Now

1950s Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaner Commercial

2016 Mr. Clean Jingle Commercial

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

Chapter 29.1 Vocabulary

Problem Definition: A business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information necessary to solve it

Primary Data: Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study

Secondary Data: Data that has already been collected for some purpose other than the current study

Survey Method: A research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires

Sample: A part of the target population that is assumed to present the entire population

Observation Method: A research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers

Point-of-Scale Research: A powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior

Experimental Method: Research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions
Data Analysis: The process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection

Chapter 29.2 Vocabulary

Validity: The questions asked in a questionnaire measure what was intended to be measured

Reliability: A research technique that produces nearly identical results in repeated trials
Open-Ended Questions: Questions that require more than a yes or no answer; survey questions that ask respondents to construct their own response

Forced-Choice Questions: Survey questions that ask respondents to choose answers from possibilities given on a questionnaire

Research Process Steps

Step 1: Defining the Problem

Step 2: Obtaining Data
                  Secondary Data
                  Primary Data
                  Experimental and Observation Methods

Step 3: Analyzing the Data

Step 4: Recommending Solutions to the Problem

Step 5: Applying the Results

Pros and Cons of Primary and Secondary Data

Primary Data Pros:
  • All information obtained will be suitable for the problem at hand
  • The data will not be outdated

Primary Data Cons:
  • Much more costly to find primary data than to use previously established secondary data that is often free/low cost

Secondary Data Pros: 
  • Can be obtained easily because the data is already either on the Internet, in corporate,                public, and college libraries, or for purchase from syndicated services
  • Free and low cost alternative to primary data
  • Many types of nationwide data are available though the US Bureau of the Census

Secondary Data Cons:
  • Existing data may not be suitable or available for the problem under study
  • It may also sometimes be inaccurate

Question Formatting

All research questionnaires should be both valid (measure what is intended to be measured) and reliable (providing identical results with repeated trials). 
Questions should be clear and easily understood, ask the same information of all respondents

To succeed, questionnaires should follow these guidelines to be properly formatted, written, and administered:
  • Questions could be either "open ended" or "forced choice" 
  • Should include a variety of questions types
    • Yes/No
    • Multiple Choice Questions
    • Rating Scale Questions
    • Level of Agreement Questions
  • Each questions should be written as briefly and clearly as possible
  • Use same ranking or rating scale for similar questions
  • Do not use "leading" questions and avoid any bias, encouraging one outcome over the others
  • Avoid questions where the meaning is unclear
  • Questionnaires should have excellent appearance and design
    • Dark ink on light paper is easy to read
    • Shading sections for contrast and using arrows to direct the reader
    • Section headings and numbers should be placed on individual survey sections
    • Numbers should be placed on all questions
    • Directions for completing the questionnaire must be clear
    • Demographic questions are generally grouped at the end of the questionnaire
  • All surveys should have deadlines for completion
  • Mailed questionnaire should be sent first class with a signed cover letter with a clearly identified purpose
  • Brief explanation placed on the survey itself
  • In person interview selection process should be non-biased, polite, and businesslike

Reasons for Specific Types of Questions

Open-Ended: Provide a wide range responses

Forced-Choice: Simplest questions to write and the easiest to tabulate

Yes/No: Giving the respondent only two options, they should be used only for referring to one specific issue, most often used as filter questions to guide respondents to only questions that apply to them

Multiple Choice: Are mutually exclusive and all encompassing

Level of Agreement: Reflecting the attitudes and opinions of the respondent

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Themed Event

Plymouth Plantation

Plimouth Plantation near Boston MA - photo courtesy of Muns via Wikipedia


On Thanksgiving you can visit the site were the first one took place at Plymouth Plantation. You can see the Pilgrim Monument and board a reproduction on the Mayflower.
Also, the Plymouth Plantation closes for the winter the Sunday after Thanksgiving so it's your last chance to visit until the spring.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

RMHS Survey Results

Breakfast in the Cafeteria: Survey Results

Number of Responses: 11

From the data, I can conclude that breakfast in the cafeteria is known about by the students, but it's not a popular option. The majority of the survey takers (63.6%) said that they are aware that breakfast is served in the cafeteria, but the majority of them have also never had it (81.8% of survey takers). From these results I can draw the conclusion that students don't eat breakfast in the cafeteria because they don't want to, not because they're unaware of the option.

Also, from the data collected about the types of food served in the cafeteria, it seems that students would prefer food that isn't a current option. It may be a possibility that if the cafe served different foods, like waffles, donuts, etc., that students may begin to consider the cafe to be a better option. I could make this survey better by adding a question about the food options, and asking students that if the cafeteria including the options that they had checked off would change their minds about eating breakfast in the cafe.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Company's Social Responsibility


Starbucks Foundation
Started in 1977 by funding literacy programs in the US and Canada and now supporting communities around the globe, the Starbucks Foundation is committed to strengthening communities. The foundation gives money to different causes that they believe in including helping young people acquire the opportunities and skills that they need to succeed, community service programs and monetary donations, or supporting clean water initiatives.
The foundation has an extremely wide reach and a large impact. In 2015, they gave $6.9 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, and the Starbucks corporation itself raised over $29 million in cash for the foundation.
As a for-profit, public company, Starbucks believes that they have a responsibility to give back to the community.

Veterans and Military Support
Starbucks believes that military veterans and their families deserve more than just the simple words, "thank you." They believe in finding opportunities or veterans returning from service and allowing them to stay connected to their communities. Starbucks has committed to hiring 10,000 veterans and military spouses by 2018, and to date they have hired more than 6,500.
In April 2016, Starbucks partnered with the Schultz Family Foundation in Seattle with the goal to create a blueprint to bridge the gap between the military and civilians.John Kelly. Starbucks' Senior VP said "that this initiative is more than a pipeline to an incredible talent pool, but an opportunity to build on Starbucks legacy of community service and civic engagement.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Business and Social Responsibility Questions

5.1 Assessment

  1. A business is an organization involved in producing and marketing goods and services. A business may also be a company.
  2. Two primary functions of a business are producing and marketing goods and services,
  3. Businesses can be categorized by size, by profit orientation (nonprofit or for profit), by market served (consumer or industrial), and the types of products provided (goods, services, etc).
  4. E-Commerce is significant because it gives businesses another way to market and sell their goods and services. It opens up a wider range of consumers and allows for people to easily access information or products. 

Chapter 5 Business and Social Responsibility Flashcards

Quizlet-Business and Social Responsibility

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Licencing a Video Game: History

1962 Spacewar!
Created by MIT student Steve Russell. Although it was very simple, it was the first computer-based video game every created.

1977 Video Game Computer System by Atari
More commonly known as the Atari 2600, it was an at-home video gaming console. Features included a joystick, color games, and varying difficulty levels.

1989 Game Boy
Nintendo's Game Boy was the first handheld system with interchangeable cartridges. Features included good game play, easy usage, and long battery life.

2000 The Sims
A simulation game modeling realistic life, became the best selling computer game of its time.

Image result for video games in 1950

Image result for virtual reality video games
Video Games Then (www.factmyth.,com). and Now (Virtual Reality) (www.sossolteiros,bol.uol.com.br)

Information from http://www.museumofplay.org/about/icheg/video-game-history/timeline 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Licensing a Video Game: Marketing Mix Report

The Dance Experience

The Dance Experience is a dance themed video game that provides the “complete dance experience.” In this game, the player can choreograph, judge, design costumes, watch various tutorials, and dance along with their favorite dance stars. Maddie Ziegler, Travis Wall, and Misty Copeland guide the player on their journey through the dance experience serving as their mentors. The Dance Experience is a unique video game unlike any other!

Target Market:
This game was specifically designed to entertain young adult and teenage dancers.

Marketing Mix:
- Product
The Dance Experience is a dance video game that allows the player to choreograph, design costumes, watch instructional videos, judge competitions, and dance along side industry professionals. The game has a range of levels from beginner to advanced and has all styles of dance. This includes ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, lyrical, modern, hip hop, ballroom, Bollywood and more!

- Place
This game will be sold at most dance retail stores and department stores including Target, Walmart and Gamestop, as well as online.

- Price
The Dance Experience is competitively prices at $23.99; you also have the option to purchase products used in the game, including a ballet barre, a bun maker, shoes, costumes, and more, for an additional cost.

- Promotion
At select dance competitions and conventions, demos of The Dance Experience will be available for dancers to try. Also, at select competitions, dancers in the highest scoring numbers will be awarded free copies of the game. Representatives of The Dance Experience include Maddie Ziegler, Travis Wall, and Misty Copeland, who will promote the game on their social media and at select events.

Image result for maddie ziegler photoshootImage result for misty copeland Image result for travis wall dancing

Licence a Video Game: Dance

  1.  For this project, Jamie and I will be marketing a dance themed video game. We will research three well-known dance stars; Misty Copeland, Travis Wall, and Maddie Ziegler. Our game will be based on the dance careers of these three dancers, and the game will include a competitive dance aspect, costume design aspect, and a way to choreograph your own dance for the dancers to preform.
  2.  The current dance video games are...
Video Game Research
GamePriceLocations SoldTarget MarketFeatures
Dance Dance Revolution$54.99
Toys R Us, Target, Game Stop, Amazon, WalmartYoung Adults and Kids, DancersA game compatible with play station, dance mat, many levels and songs
Just Dance$15.97
Toy R US, Target, Game Stop, Amazon, WalmartDancers, Teensinteractive dance routines to popular music for the WII
Dance Central$14.99
Walmart, Xbox, Best Buy, MicrosoftDancers, TeensInteractive dance game for the Xbox Kinect

Image result for dance central x box kinect game
Dance Central (www.xbox.com)
Image result for just dance video game
Just Dance (www,everythingintime.com)
Image result for dance dance revolution video game
Dance Dance Revolution (www,gamefaqs.com)

Friday, September 23, 2016

The Heely's Fad

The Heelys fad was popular when I was in elementary school. Heelys are big, chunky sneakers with wheels in the heels so you can drive around on them.

Image result for heelys
Heelys Advertisement from 2008

Their target market is young kids from elementary to middle school. They are decorated in fun colors and patterns that appeal to a younger generation.

It is appealing to these young kids because nothing is more fun than having wheels in your sneakers! Children love to use fun things like Heelys, and being able to wheel down the street or hallway as if you were on a scooter or a skateboard is so much fun.

This product has definitely faded because as they became more and more popular, stores and schools began banning them. Schools believed they were distracting and dangerous. 

There hasn't really been a replacement for Heelys so far. Scooters and skateboards are similar to them, but they aren't the same concept. Another shoe that has replaced the popularity of Heelys, however, is Crocs. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Generation X - The "Lost" Generation

  1. Generation X: is comprised of the 51 million babies born from 1965-1976. As a group they accept diversity, they're self-reliant and realistic, they're interested in technology, flexible and free, and independent, resilient, and adaptable.
  2. Information: http://apps.americanbar.org/lpm/lpt/articles/mgt08044.html 
  3. Images:
  4. Image result for generation x
    TV Show: Friends
    Image result for what year did the breakfast club come out
    Movie: The Breakfast Club
  5. Two TV Shows: Two shows that define Generation X, as well as shows that they would enjoy, are Seinfeld and Friends.
  6. Two Movies: Generation Xers would have enjoyed watching movies like The Breakfast Club and Risky Business.
  7. Two Magazines: Two magazines that people from Gen X would have read during their young adult or teen years would have been Time Magazine and Rolling Stone
  8. Two Entertainment Events: Two entertainment events that the Generation Xers would have enjoyed are the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in 1981, and the debut of Thriller by Michael Jackson in 1982
  9. Two Vacation Destinations: The age of Gen Xers is now around 50 to 60 years old, therefore many of them now have families. They would enjoy going on family-friendly vacations to tropical resorts like in Bermuda, or if they have younger kids they may enjoy Disneyland.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fall's Best New TV Shows

Pitch, Man With a Plan, Conviction, The Good Place
Image from EOnline.com
1. This is Us (NBC)
2, Man with a Plan (CBS)
3. Timeless (NBC)
4. Conviction (ABC)
5. Pitch (Fox)

This is my list of some of the top new shows I think I'll be interested in watching this fall. The first one, This is Us, is something I've been seeing commercials of for the past couple of weeks and it looks really interesting. Plus, EOnline ranked it as the top new show this fall as well. Man with a Plan looks really funny to me because it stars Matt Leblanc from friends, which I loved. Timeless seems great because time travel is something that's always exciting. Conviction is also something I know I'd love because EOnline says it's "definitely worth watching if you're a fan of Scandal," and I most definitely am. Finally Pitch on Fox looks great because it follows the story of the first female pitcher in major league baseball.

Personally, I am so excited for TV this fall, and I know I'll definitely be watching some of these shows. I know these shows have been doing a lot to market their premieres for the past few weeks, Particularly This Is Us, which I have seen many commercials for both on TV and YouTube, as well as numerous ads in Vogue and other magazines.


An Introduction of Me

My name is Makena Gera, and I'm a senior in high school. I live with my mom, my dad, and my younger brother Nicholas. In school, I enjoy English, French, and history. I'm a member of the French club, Amnesty International club, and Interact Club, and I mentor students after school at Coolidge during the week. Outside of school, my favorite thing to do is attend dance classes.
My favorite TV show is definitely hard to choose. Out of all the shows I watch, I enjoy So You Think You Can Dance the most. When I'm not busy, I enjoy watching Netflix and reading. I like all kinds of books and movies, and there's no way I could pick a favorite. But overall, I love anything that's a comedy or a drama.
If I could go out to each tonight, I would definitely go to SweetGreen. They have the best salads I've ever had; the Harvest Bowl is my favorite.
