Wednesday, September 14, 2016

An Introduction of Me

My name is Makena Gera, and I'm a senior in high school. I live with my mom, my dad, and my younger brother Nicholas. In school, I enjoy English, French, and history. I'm a member of the French club, Amnesty International club, and Interact Club, and I mentor students after school at Coolidge during the week. Outside of school, my favorite thing to do is attend dance classes.
My favorite TV show is definitely hard to choose. Out of all the shows I watch, I enjoy So You Think You Can Dance the most. When I'm not busy, I enjoy watching Netflix and reading. I like all kinds of books and movies, and there's no way I could pick a favorite. But overall, I love anything that's a comedy or a drama.
If I could go out to each tonight, I would definitely go to SweetGreen. They have the best salads I've ever had; the Harvest Bowl is my favorite.


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